Kajabi Quick Tip | How To Stop New Subscribers Getting Sequences AND Regular Broadcast Emails

Kajabi tutorial: How To Stop New Subscribers Getting Sequences/Regular Broadcast Emails


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How To Stop New Subscribers Getting Sequences AND Regular Emails

Email sequences are such a powerful tool for anyone with an online presence. Especially if you want to scale without burnout!

However, those sequences are often something you send at the beginning of your new customer relationship and it can be weird or jarring if your new subscriber is getting multiple emails from you at once - from sequences and newsletters or promo emails as well.

For example, they are learning more about you through a welcome sequence, but you’re also selling your current offer at the same time.

Or worse, you’ve got them in an automated sales sequence for a program you’re selling on evergreen, but then they start getting sales emails about a different program you’re live launching!

While Kajabi doesn’t yet have an option for pausing a sequence (I do hope they add that functionality one day! ๐Ÿคž) there is a really easy way to segment your subscribers, so anyone currently in a sequence doesn’t get your newsletters or live launch sales emails until after they complete the sequence.


Today's KQT

In Sequence Tag to Better Manage Sequences

Add an automation to the very first email of your first welcome sequence...

When email is sent > add a tag

"In Sequence"


On the last email in the sequence, create another automation.

When email is sent > remove tag "In Sequence"



Then go to contacts and create a filter:

Category: Tags
Conditional: does not have
Value: In Sequence


Save that filter as a segment, call it "Not In Sequence"

Any time you then send a broadcast email, you can choose the Not In Sequence option and it will go to everyone except those currently in a sequence, reducing email overwhelm (and confusion) for your new subscribers... which could also reduce your unsubscribe rate too! ๐Ÿ‘



Prefer to watch on video?

View this step-by-step Kajabi Quick Tip on video, if you'd prefer a start-to-finish screen share tutorial.




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Let's Get Shit Done together!

Are you going to be joining me THIS weekend for fun, frivolity and most importantly getting your Kajabi to do list DONE?

The Kajama Party #GSD Weekend is on in just a few days, but there is still time to register.

It's a fun chill co-working weekend, that gives you the benefit of a Kajabi expert on hand in case you get stuck while working through your list, or you have questions.

Register for the #GSD Weekend


One Last Thing...

If someone is registered for an email sequence in Kajabi, even after it's finished, Kajabi will still recognise them as being in that sequence.

Which is actually a good thing, because it stops that person from registering for the same sequence twice.

However, there may be a situation where you WANT someone to get the same sequence again (an annual event for example).

In that case, you can either create a filter of everyone in the sequence (in contacts) and then do a bulk action to unsubscribe from a sequence. Or you can do it automatically by adding an automation on the last email of a sequence - when email is sent > unsubscribe from sequence.

And since we're talking sequences - this is a timely reminder for you to schedule in some time this month, to have a check over your welcome sequence or other main sequences to update them - especially if it's been a while ๐Ÿ˜‰


Cheers, Sue x
Your Trusted Kajabi Expert ๐Ÿฆ„

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