How To Decide What Project To Do Next For Your Business When Overwhelmed

Do you ever feel stuck?

Trying to work out what on what to work on next in your business?

One of the most common issues I see with my clients (and frequently struggle with myself) is WHICH of your many awesome ideas, do you work on first?!?!?!

It's tough when there are so many options.

Do you...

🤷‍♀️ Create the mini-course?

🤷‍♀️ Work on the lead magnet?

🤷‍♀️ Redesign your website?

🤷‍♀️ Run a paid workshop?

🤷‍♀️ Host a summit?

🤷‍♀️ Launch a mastermind?

🤷‍♀️ Write a year-long evergreen email sequence?

🤷‍♀️ Move to a new course platform or email marketing host?

🤷‍♀️ Start a paid ads campaign?

or try and do all of those things at once?

Or do something else? (like that email you just got with a cool new strategy... maybe THAT's the thing????)

Choosing the "right" idea, can be as tough as trying to choose a favourite child.

Plus everyone you ask for advice might have a different idea on what you should do (because they could have different priorities in their business and they're likely going to judge based on those. Or if it's your family/friends, they likely know nothing about your business or audience, so their advice will likely suck).

Sometimes the problem is ALL of your ideas can feel like they need to be done right now - it's just too hard to pick one. 

So, how do you decide without all the overwhelm and worry that you could be making the wrong choice? 

One of my favourite tools to pull out when I'm in this situation is using a decision matrix.

The Decision Matrix is a quick and easy well to help you sort and prioritise your ideas.

This matrix concept is so helpful, that I've turned it into a handy spreadsheet, to make it even easier for you to pick what to work on, in minutes.


How to use this free resource:

It should only take a few mins to download the matrix and add all your idea info.

First, download the google sheet I've created and make a copy of it.

Then enter all of your awesome ideas into the matrix, scoring them in each category, on a scale of 1-5.

There are categories for impact, time, cost, potential income and how much you'll love working on it. The matrix will then add everything up and give you a total score for each idea.

Sort the sheet by total and you'll see which idea has the best overall score.

But maybe, overall score isn't where you want to focus right now?

Perhaps you have a specific area of your biz you want to work on or a specific type of work you'd prefer to do because of the season of life you're in?

That's where you can tailor the matrix to give you exactly what you need. Click on the title of each category (one at a time), to sort by a specific area, rather than the total, and look at the highest score just for that category.

For example:

⏳If your priority is getting things done quickly to get some momentum, choose the idea you can implement quickest

💰If finances are an issue - pick the idea with the biggest financial impact or the lowest cost to implement.

🥱 If you're at a place where you're not enjoying what you're doing - burnout for example, pick the things that bring you the most joy, as it's easier to find energy for things you love

🥰 If you only want to do things that will help the most people, regardless of revenue potential - choose the option that ranks highest in the impact category.


Going through this process doesn't take long, but it's a great help, enabling you to get clear about your priorities.

All of your ideas might be awesome and important, but realistically, you can only work on one at a time, so it might as well be the one that will help you grow in the way that matters most to you right now.

Download the matrix for yourself and let me know - what will it help you work on next?

Cheers, Sue x
Your Digital Product Strategist + Trusted Kajabi Expert 🦄


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