Kajabi Quick Tip | Showcase your Kajabi course video content in your own style ~ modifying the video display

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Showcase your course video content in your style!
One of the things I love and appreciate most about Kajabi, is how customisable the course content area is!
You've got lots of options and templates for products (ie your courses + memberships) and within those templates, further display options so you can make it match your brand look just how you'd like.
Which is amazing!
...unless you can't find WHERE to make the changes you'd like to make 🤦♀️
One of the most common questions I get is how to get rid of the black box next to the course video and make it a full display.
Thankfully, this is an easy and quick fix!
Today's KQT
Customising how your course or membership videos display
The different product themes in Kajabi allow for different levels of customisation.
In case you don't know - as it's not instantly obvious- there are different display options or themes for Kajabi products.
The premier theme/framework is the most flexible. There are some other themes currently available (Gamify Lite for Premier, Creative and Prosper) that are also built on the premier framework, so this tip will work for them.
Older product themes that are no longer available and the momentum theme/framework don't have the same styling options for the video, so check which product theme you're using if your course area doesn't have these options.
I find most people are using a Premier theme, as it is the Kajabi default and allows for a lot of customisation which is great!
So today's Quick Tip is showing you how to do this in a premier product theme/framework.
First, you need to go to the customise area of your course.
Then you need to click customise again once the advanced customisation options come up. (I know - customise > customise can be confusing)
You'll then be presented with the student-facing part of your course, where you can customise how your course content is displayed.
Whilst there are lots of options and things you can change, it can be easy to miss, that there are actually multiple areas you can customise.
To get to the video customisation area, you need to be in the POST customisation (ie customising the way your lesson content shows up).
When you first go to customise, you will land in the PRODUCT customise area (essentially the "home" page of your product).
You will see a dropdown either at the top of your screen to move to post, or the bottom left hand corner of your screen.
Choose POST and you'll go to the post customisation area.
Then, find your video and click on it, or look for the video player option in the sidebar.
You'll see you have the option for:
Inline is the default, which will show the black/grey box next to your video.
Simple will make your video show almost full screen and remove that black box area that shows the upcoming lessons.
None will remove the video/audio player (and thumbnail placeholder) which can be helpful for text based courses.
You can click on each option to preview what it will look like.
If you want to leave the box next to your video that shows the upcoming lessons, you can change the colour of the background, so you still have the info, but it's more on-brand.
Change the colour in the Player Background Option - as shown in the image above.
Just bear in mind, a lighter shade will be added, so you may need to use a colour darker than your usual hex colour to get it just right. You can't choose that lighter colour - just the dark version.
And that's how to customise how your videos display in Kajabi products.
I love how much customizability there is with Kajabi products - not just for the videos but for all aspects of the course + lesson display. Best part is you can do it straight out of the box, without any coding.
And there are some amazing options for even more customised course content, with coded themes from clever people in the Kajabi community like Penny in your Pocket, Jodie Peevor and Baastian de Koning.
Prefer to watch on video?
View this step-by-step Kajabi Quick Tip on video, if you'd prefer a start-to-finish screenshare tutorial.
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Let's Get Shit Done together!
Are you going to be joining me next weekend for fun, frivolity and most importantly getting your Kajabi to do list DONE?
The next Kajama Party #GSD Weekend is on February 18/19 and registration is now open.
It's a fun chill co-working weekend, that gives you the benefit of a Kajabi expert on hand in case you get stuck while working through your list, or you have questions.
Register HERE for the GSD Weekend
One Last Thing...
I'd love to make these Kajabi Quick Tips as helpful as possible for you, so if you've got any feedback about the tips, the style they are delivered, the videos or anything else, please let me know!
You can reply to this email and let me know what you think.
Great feedback is always appreciated 🙏 But what will help me make these tips even more epic, is ideas for improvement, so don't hold back!
I thank you in advance for your candour.
Have a fabulous weekend ahead!
Cheers, Sue x
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